

When man and machine come together in perfect harmony.


Sewing is an artform that requires precision tools. Ever since 1862, when Georg Michael Pfaff built his first sewing machine and started the GM factory PFAFF®, the company has strived for the same thing: to constantly innovate and modernize sewing technology.

The challenge was to update Pfaff's design language and highlight the interaction between the user and the machine, whilst at the same time providing optimal precision, perfect control and maximum customization options, even for the most demanding users.
Illustration of person with thought bubbles containing shoe and clothes.


With Pfaff (since 2011) we have put together what we call “The Design Manifest” and product guideline, which forms the basis when designing new products for Pfaff.

We applied the concept of 360-design, where we treated every side of the Creative Icon as potential fronts, enabling an intuitive and personal interaction between the user and the machine. Carefully handling the minimalistic but bold heritage in a soft and inviting way.


Opened doors to a greater and more diverse market.
Introduced intuitive seamless UX in a technically complex device.
Award winning Design.
We love to share our knowhow with you
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